2018 | Audio Piece | Ece Eldek - Ege Kanar
S’nek is an audio composition based on a poem written and voiced by Ece Eldek. The piece was a contribution for the mixtape Kaset Fanzin: Zamanın Ruhu compiled by Emirhan Esenkova.
önüme önüme
dan dı
mayın tarlalarından geçtiğimde
ayağımın üstünde belirdi
küçük ayaklar çimende
deli bostanlar yalvardı bir demet
bir demet oluk içine
baktığımda gördüm
bir nesne
veyahut bir düşte iğne
bir yarım et
ses et
biten kemik
erisin içinde
süslü köpekler
mazide sallanan ceninler
susmayan sen
susmayan ten
ağlayan bağıran
koca ağızlar
yetmeyen elmalar
bir yarım et
bitmeyen düş
bir yarım et eyle
eyle eyle
doldur kabı
bitir kanı
em solucanı
akan dereler
yiten kümeler

Distant Points Of Interest (Within Close Range) was realized at Ariel for "Large Meadow Exhibitions" organized by Norgunk.

2018 | Installation | Sinem Dişli - Ege Kanar
Distant Points Of Interest (Within Close Range) is a collaborative project realized by Sinem Dişli and Ege Kanar based on their experience of being set apart in two distant cities, and the contrast in between their senses of time and space on such occasions. The title of the piece comes from a phrase inscribed on coin-operated binoculars found in New York City. It alludes to the experience of trying to reach out for another reality through the agency of digital screens.
Kanar’s series, “Variations on a Theme” is inspired by his efforts to learn a new instrument at home, in Istanbul. These portraits are made using contact exposures of photochemical paper to video clips of piano players running in loops on the computer screen. In contrast, Dişli’s circular images, “Points of Interest”, document everyday encounters in her adopted city, and are produced using sunlight to create cyanotypes.
“Invisible Hand”, synchronizes its surroundings by making use of a household item to create a reference to musical time. It comprises of a video of a rocking chair projected on an unfinished drawing of the same object.
Inspired by piano rolls that were used for the mechanical reproduction of music before the era of its magnetic storage, “Perforated Time” channels the exterior into Ariel’s catalog room through its pores carrying an encrypted notation.
And finally, “applaud”, a sculpture made by Dişli during her student years, calls for sound but nonetheless remains silent.
Graphic design by Utku Lomlu
Can Publishing House has prepared a series of 20 books that are meant to become collector’s items. The books chosen among the classics have been paired with 20 contemporary photographers from Turkey. Images these photographers have returned were used as cover images for the books. This unique series proving that classical texts are still alive, and can inspire artists of our day is ready to meet its readers.
Ali Taptık - The Sorrows of Young Werther
Aslı Narin - Great Expectations
Dilara Arısoy - Brothers Karamazov
Ege Kanar - Emma
Ekin Özbiçer - Father Goriot
Görkem Ergün - Frankenstein
Hasan Deniz - Prince
İrem Sözen - White Nights
Laleper Aytek - A Hero of Our Time
M. Cevahir Akbaş - Notes from the Underground
Metehan Özcan - Heart of Darkness
Okan Bayülgen - De Profundis
Onur Girit - Michael Kohlhaas
Orhan Cem Çetin - Communist Manifesto
Özgür Atlagan - The Call of the Wild
Selm Süme - Fathers and Sons
Sevim Sancaktar - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Silva Bingaz - War and Peace
Sinem Dişli - Nedir Gene Deli Gönlünü Çelen
Yusuf Sevinçli - Far from the Madding Crowd
2018 | Book Cover | Various Artists

Hum was originally created in 2017 for "Tekrar ∞ Döngü Talks and Performances Series" organized by Her Hâl Collective. The set was performed again at Salt Galata in 2018 as part of the "Long Thursday" Program.
Water boiling in the kettle.
Elevator moving.
The squeak of the front gate.
A song playing inside the dolmuş.
Rear table dialogues.
Coughing neighbors.
School bells.
Garbage truck.
What kind of a space do everyday sounds occupy in our minds with their deafening familiarity? What sort of associations, feelings, or expectations do these routine sounds trigger as they become ambiguous voices rising within us? Hum is a psycho-acoustic performance that explores the paths sound can open up in a given physical space. The work consists of live processing of audio samples collected at home and out in the city.
2017 | Live Audio | Arda Ertem - Ege Kanar

Monument was a response to Kaba Hat's invitation for the occasion of their editorial take over of Orta Format Magazine Issue #23. The piece was later included in Nev Nesil 2018, Monomyth held at Galeri Nev Ankara.

Just as we pass the monument and drift further away from the city, we recognize this house where the snow gets heavier, the road gets thinner, and a convoy of trailer trucks are on the wait. We stop to take a look at the wool socks the old woman is selling and make it in by her invitation. She withdraws to her corner and starts to knit. I stare at her hands washed by the light coming from the dirty window. A pot of gray water boils on the stove. Someone calls out from the other room, and soon a younger man appears at the door. Approaching us he tries to put on an undershirt without breaking the unlit cigarette in his mouth. He shows me the open scar on his nose. We try to communicate. He wonders where we are coming from. Pointing at his scar again, he utters something that I don’t understand. He appreciates the brand of cigarettes I offer him. The smoke diffuses in the subdued room. As we get ready to leave, he halts us and starts filling my pockets with walnuts and spongy apples that lie on the table. At that interval, I recognize the lighter resting next to the fruits. I reach out to take it, but he prowls faster. Tapping his chest with what he just got hold of, he smiles at me proudly. I smile at him too but the idea of all the unlit cigarettes spread on our way upsets me. Outside, as I search for the key among the apples, my hand runs across the lighter I had just left behind. I finally realize when we are on the road again, emerging out of that room in this distant land, he was in fact, carrying an almost impossible replica of this personal item in his hand.
2017 | Text & Image | Various Artists
Size: 21 cm x 15 cm
Pagination: 83 pages (each booklet)
Printing: Duotone Xerox Print
Paper: Shamua
Binding: Rubber Band
Cover: Softcover / Carton Slipcase
Notes: Nested Posters
ARALIK is a collaborative publication initiated in December 2015 by 8 photographers who have come together in Istanbul. This week-long encounter facilitated a rapid creative process involving an exchange of ideas, editing of individual works, as well as design and production of the finished publication. The outcome was a re-editable book bound by a simple rubber band with spreads free to be pulled out, folded open, and reversed to transform into concealed posters.
The intense energy born out of this shared experience was reunited to produce a second issue in 2016, featuring work by a different group of artists willing to publish under the same format.
Ahmet Doğu İpek - Black Water Records (Days)
Beril Gür - An Endless Perspicuity of Space
Begüm Yamanlar - Haze
Burhan Üçkardeş - Etre
Buşra Tunç - Apeiron
Coşkun Aşar - Blackout
Çağlar Kanzık - Titrek
Ege Kanar - Hammer for Scale
Furkan Temir - Tumor
Kürşat Bayhan - Roots (A Point of Origin)
Merve Kılıçer - Trying to Fit
Sevim Sancaktar - Etraf
Tolga Güleç - Entrances
Volkan Kızıltunç - Gaps of Memory

2016 | Publication | Various Artists

Inspired by recent debates on mobility and fantasy, Elsewhere comprises works that approach the actual as a departure point from which rational, empirical, or intuitive modes of meaning-making can be used to create destabilizing narratives relating to our times.
What is at stake here is not an uttered longing for a "somewhere else", but a persisting declaration of a possible "elsewhere".
Alen Aligrudic - Greetings From Yugoslavia
Erdem Taşdelen - Dear,
Hayal Pozantı - 126 Proposals For A New Flag
Ivars Gravlejs - I.R. Piktuers
Kerem Ozan Bayraktar - Man With Bike
Melisa Önel - The Travel
Meriç Algün - Our Home Weighs 1.223.990 Grams
Sinan Tanrıdağ - Interpolations
Tunç Ali Çam - Tunç Ali Çam Museum
Vilma Samulionyte - Desert Expatriates
Elsewhere was a parallel event to "Mobility and Fantasy in Visual Culture Symposium" organized by Lewis Johnson at Bahçeşehir University in 2011. The output of the symposium was later compiled as a volume edited by Johnson and published by Routledge.